Notice: Cubed3 are no longer accepting new reader blogs (as of 17th January 2015). Existing blog entries will be available to read, archived below.

First Week (or so) of College/University/Campus Life

Now Playing: Rayman 2 (again)
Now Listening to: Mastgrr stuff (again)
Now Watching: Red vs. Blue (after many, MANY recommendations)

So I said on Spacebook that I would be doing this, and I was a man who kept his promises in life, so I will do the same now.

This all begins a little more than a week ago when I first moved in. I had packed quite a bit of stuff to furnish my dorm with and it was a royal pain to lug it all from what I assumed was my dorm building, turned out to be only the check-in building, to my actual dorm in the building next door.

Now, I had only met my roommates through Spacebook to decide on what we would be bringing as well as some other minor discussion, so I had only the slightest of ideas of what to expect. Now, at this point I should explain that I was placed into a Flex Triple, meaning that it was only slightly bigger than a Double, and that I could either have a lofted bed, or pick one of the bunks. Now, one of my roommates had already "express(ed) an interest in taking the lofted bed", so I chose top bunk.

Flashing back forward, I had gotten to my dorm room, situated right across from the lounge(the only room with A/C) and decorated across the hallway on one side with a Space Jam theme for guys and a Pocahontas theme for girls. My dorm was situated right at the end of the guys section and the girls dorms started right next door. I went in and noticed that one of my roommates, the loft caller Burkley, had arrived already with his girlfriend and stepmom.

After greetings, Burk had explained that he had to re-arrange the furniture since it was randomly placed initially, with the bunk bed randomly placed in the middle of the room. I was fine with this, as this allowed me a dresser and a desk on the width ends of the bed to arrange my stuff in. Soon, my other roommate, Steven, had arrived with his things and we all situated ourselves within our space. I had some anime and manga set up on the bookshelf portion of my desk, with some posters I had on the wall next to my bed. My roommate Steven was opening his Hello Kitty Stationary kit in a half sarcastic, half excited fashion. I'll also note that he has the theme song set as his ringtone. My other roommate, Burkley, showed off his green laser pointer. We all started off getting along great, with no problems present at all. It surely was the start of something novel.

I give credit to Phoenixus for his idea of images in between paragraphs. Will post more to the story later, hopefully with photos. Thanks for reading! Smilie

Into the Wild...

Now Playing: ChaosGrimmon Battle in DMW:D
Now Listening to: The Surrounding Ambience
Now Watching: The Comp Screen

So I graduate from High School(Secondary for all yous) today, and, in turn, mandatory education. I'll be heading from there to a nice big state university to pursue undergraduate education. I'll be living on campus(yippee skippee), I'll be living in a special dorm building for this undergrad program I was invited to, I've got a scholarship to cover a portion of the costs, and I have no idea what to expect within the next few months.

I've got a few "activities" stockpiled that I'll probably bring to my dorm. I just hope my dorm-mate isn't a total jock. Ironically enough, SMT Nocturne, the most expensive old PS2 game I know, just arrived today, and I got it for $12.

I'll still be able to keep in touch with my old pals. And maybe we'll hang out from time to time. I even got the yearbook this year for signing. Who knows, maybe I'll even miss the simple life of county-issued education.

**4 hours later**

So we had the graduation ceremony in DAR Constitution Hall. Lots of talking and tension and congrats everywhere. Will post pics later on. Highlight was probably the after-grad dinner me and my family had. Man was I hungry and aching...

DVD Drive Drama (or My Adventures Into the World of Registry Editing)

Now Playing: Speak No Evil
Now Listening to: Hear No Evil
Now Watching: See No Evil

So for the past few days, my DVD Drives, that's including my virtual one *snicker*, have up and vanished from the Main Computer Access Folder (My Computer to the nitwits). I thought it would just be a temporary thing so I shrugged it off...until I felt the need to re-install some software to start uploading some Youtube Content via a fancy gizmo, which I purchased for a discounted price, that allows me to take any device that sends out the usual RCA output or S-Video output and record whatever that output sends out (please note that it's original function is to convert VHS tapes into data *snicker*).

So, avoiding further digression, I ended up checking if Microsoft's site had any ideas on how to extricate me from this quagmire. I found out that this problem roots down deep into the depths of the registry, one of the easily changeable core components of my system (I think). After the deletion of a few String entries and a reboot, my DVD drives showed up for the first time in weeks.

The only strange thing is, a ghostly blank window shows up at startup with no appearance in the task bar. This window had been showing up numerous times before since a few months ago, but had stopped revealing itself lately. It may possibly be connected somehow to my DVD Drives (probably the virtual one *snicker*). If any of you have any opinions as to what it might be, feel free to speak your mind. Then again, that is the purpose of a blog, so I guess I didn't need to say that...nor that...nor that...Smilie

The Turning Point

Now Playing: N/A
Now Listening to: N/A
Now Watching: N/A

Well, i'm about to take the one test that will decide the course of the rest of my life tomorrow. On top of that, I have some final projects and exams to worry about. And, of course, I have to start thinking about which colleges/universities I should attend. 12th grade(My last year of high/secondary school) will be upon me before I know it and I will approach the turning point that will set my future in motion.

No worries! It'll be smooth sailing as long as I don't let the stress get to me, right?

Silence is Platinum (or My 30 Minute Experience)

Now Playing: HOMEWORK
Now Listening to: MYSELF THINK
Now Watching: PAPER

Yes, yes, it's all you've been waiting for, the first blog on a 30 minute experience of Platinum!...and such...

Anyways, today started out a normal Sunday. I slept until 10, wandered aimlessly, ate out, and went to Gamestop to pick up my very own copy of Platinum (and the guide discounted at $2.00, heck, why not?).

Throwing the cheap little figurine to my 12-year old brother I opened the case and flipped through the contents: Wifi Manual(junk), Safety Booklet(junk), Rotom Forms(knew about it), Registration Card(I'll do it later), and the Instruction Manual! Flipping flipping, useless stuff I already know, tiny bits of new stuff, yada, yada, yada. Moving on to the Guide! Flipping, flipping, battle tips, useful things I knew about, Pokedex, maps,

, Battle Frontier, Global Terminal, Plaza Games, Spin Trade(Interesting...), blah, blah, blah...skipping over the walkthrough, of course.

And now, onto the game! I'm greeted by about the same introduction screen, ignoring the detective guy, the old guy, the close up of Cyrus, and Giratina immensed in shadows. Starting the game! I'm a boy, I include my name, my rival's name(Bo), i'm about to embark on a great adventure, great power and great responsibility, useless jargen...The end screen Prof. Rowan's show appears. I see myself sporting a stylish black jacket. My rival appears! 10 Million Poke if I don't show up to meet Rowan to ask for Pokemon! Downstairs, talking to Mom...Outside! A little announcement saying i'm in Newleaf Town in a little town-like background greets me. Well would you look at that! Somebody's thrown splotches of mud all over the place! I'm not cleaning it up! Moving on to Bo's house, crashes into me a few times, races onwards toward Sandgem Town...without a the tall grass...About to dash through we are stopped by good old Prof. Rowan who gives us Pokemon out of pity for our stupidity(or because we love Pokemon or something like that...). Anyways, Dawn follows Prof. out to Sandgem Town, leaving us men to our lonesome. So, two guys, new Pokemon, what else to do but battle? And the battle commences! Bo appears with a lame jumping-like-a-madman animation. He throws out his Chimchar! Of course, this should automatically tell you i've chosen the humble Turtwig, seeing as I chose Piplup in my last game and know that just about everyone chooses Chimchar. Chimchar starts out with a Leer! Turtwig follows up with a Withdraw! Chimchar Leers while Turtwig Tackles! Chimchar continues Leering for the entire match, leaving Bo dumbfounded as to why he didn't win. We go back to our houses to rest up and come back outside. So, two guys, new Pokemon, what else to do but find and capture the nearby Legie? Cyrus appears at the lake, swearing he'll get Mespirit someday, and boldly leaves. Scared stiff by the man, we decide to go thank Prof. for all his help. Bo speeds off to his adventure. I level a bit, getting a free Potion from the shop guy in the grass, and move on to Sandgem. Bo, of course, blazes out, whooping and hollering that he'll be the best damn trainer in all the land. I continue on, get my Dex, Rowan gives another speech, Dawn shows me around town(And she has a Piplup, I wonder why?). Moving on, I buy some balls(lol), and head back to Route 101 to catch a Starly and a Bidoof. I plan to level the Starly as part of my main team while I put Bidoof in a Box, as I have no use for a single-evolution-er. I train my Starly a bit and stop to save and quit, i'll play again later.

Well, not much difference here, but i'll tag along for the ride for a while longer. There seems to be some nice little additions that are worth looking into. As for now, I must finish the rest of my Homework.

Anime is dead...

Now Playing: :(
Now Listening to: :[
Now Watching: D:

I regret to inform you all that Anime in the U.S. has died. 4kids controls 50% of all currently airing anime, all shit including Bakugan and the newer Yu-Gi-Oh series'.

Toonami, the only source for decent anime (including hits like DBZ) for about 10 years, has been dead for about 7 months and its last hand barely holding on had been severed for 5 days.

The only stuff left here is Naruto, which airs only every few Saturdays and Bleach, stuck on Adult Swim every Saturday freakishly late at night. Everything else is either incredibly old reruns (half of which i've seen before/jump weirdly everywhere on Adult Swim), stuff I don't know much about (also on Adult Swim), or stuff I don't think I would be interested (on the digital-cable service exclusive Funimation Channel).

I'm not that into subs and don't really know much where to find old stuff I only was able to watch for a while due to scheduling issues.

I feel dead inside guys...Smilie

i hates mah comp o_o

Now Playing: P4!!!!!
Now Listening to: P4!!!!!
Now Watching: P4!!!!!...and my comp's screen, of course

My computer has been fecked up for weeks. Opening certain programs(Like Firefox AND IE) freezes it, running it for a certain period of time freezes it, it won't shut down, and after freezing up a few times it freezes me at the login screen! GRAHHH!!!!

Luckily however, I received a 250 GB Portable Hard Drive for Xmas and, saying "I don't care" to it's "Brilliant System Imaging Software" and 75% of my computer's files, I copied over the essentials and a few Program Files I couldn't redownload and hit the Nuke Button. Thankfully, most of my programs were either easily downloadable freeware, stuff I had the disks for, or unimportant poo I could do without. So, with a smile on my face and 5 hours of my time wasted...err used, my computer is now up and running better than ever!

Anyone think that was the right choice I made or could I have done something better?

Recent Happenings and nbsp; <---LOL

Now Playing: I dunno, maybe Grand Chase...
Now Listening to: Uhh...Playlist?
Now Watching: Well...I must be watching a screen...

I've noticed that the Pokemon Trade Thread has reached post count 666...yup...

And there are some bugs for the similies, like so Smilie

Well I guess I discovered that those huge paper recycling bins are fun to put people in and roll down hills...

And its fun to do stuff with a strobe light on...

And i've done some new stuff...and...yeah...


Now Playing: See "Currently Watching"
Now Listening to: See "Currently Playing"
Now Watching: See "Currently Listening to"

I've recently gotten back into Chaoing, somewhat...
I still haven't finished getting the Chao from my Chao List, but i'll get there...eventually...

I started by moving my Tails Chao to my Sonic Advance pack to get his stats up and fill the space since i've been thinking of adding an Onyx Chao to go with my "Him" Chao. Unluckily though, I had reset the game data a few months back which made it even harder to get Rings. I'm not wasting my money on a stupid Gameshark, just to fix this glitch.

I have, however been thinking of getting the Sonic Pinball + Sonic Advance pack since i've played Pinball Party on an emu and liked it. To get it new, i've been thinking Ebay since some of those "Online Liquidators" usually sell games there.

Sonic Chronicles has also been on my "Wanted List" for quite some time now. I briefly checked the site to explore their new Chao system. I became infuriated when I saw that their pathetic excuse for a Chao system seemed to be more of a "Find, Collect, and Equip" kind of system. Even though they say "As your Chao collection grows, you can then level up your Chao or even create more Chao!" I somewhat doubt they're giving us anything like that.

Blue, Blue NiGHTS

Now Playing: What I just said
Now Listening to: Crappy Game Music
Now Watching: Obvious

Yup, I decided since it came out here before there that i'd at least give this new NiGHTS game a try. Unfortunately, the voices are the same as in a previous vid seen by many.

The main gameplay consists of flying through rings, using the Nunchuk, cursor, or some other thing for some other controller to turn NiGHTS in that direction. Another interesting move is the Paraloop which allows you to lasso items by creating a circular figure using the dust NiGHTS leaves behind. Normal enemies are lame and are defeating either by Drill Dashing(Self Explanatory) or grabbing onto them and circling them.

I've only been through one boss battle so far. I'd hardly call them "battles" at all. They are much more like mini games than boss battles.

Another interesting feature is the My Dream/A-Life feature.No, this is not the next "Chao" but is more like a Create-A-Zoo. Wierdly enough, the Nightopians(Pink Chao-Like creatures) AND enemies you capture, both by Paralooping, go into this world. Depending on which creatures you have placed, the world changes in some sort of bizarre way. So far, I have 4 trees slowly growing and 2 rooster-wind-turning things (Please don't scold me for not knowing the proper word).

Also, there are secret treasures to collect, in the form of floating dewdrops called "Dreamdrops". If you collect 60,...well...something happens...I don't know yet.

Another surprise from Sega is that they included a 2-player Race/Battle mode. Haven't tryed it out but again, it seems self explanatory.

And a answer to a troubling question that has been plaguing many peoples' minds. Is NiGHTS male or female? Of course, for sexist issues, Sega has placed it in the "it" category.

And that's about "it".

I just...completed the alternate ending game...the ending...SO TOUCHING!!!!! *bawls(lol)*

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